Prevention of Tax Treaty Abuse – Fifth Peer Review Report on Treaty Shopping
Inclusive Framework on BEPS: Action 6
Under the BEPS Action 6 minimum standard on treaty shopping, members of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS have committed to strengthen their tax treaties by implementing anti-abuse measures. This report reflects the outcome of the fifth peer review of the implementation of the BEPS Action 6 minimum standard on treaty shopping. It includes the aggregate results of the review and data on tax treaties concluded by the members of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS as of 31 May 2022, as well as jurisdictional sections which contain detailed information for each member jurisdiction.
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Antigua and Barbuda
Antigua and Barbuda has four tax agreements in force as reported in its response to the Peer Review questionnaire, including the multilateral agreement among the members of the CARICOM concluded with ten treaty partners (the CARICOM Agreement).Agreement Among the Governments of the Member States of the Caribbean Community for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income, Profits or Gains and Capital Gains and for the Encouragement of Regional Trade and Investment, St. Michael Barbados, 6 July 1994; between: Antigua and Barbuda (18 February 1998), Barbados (7 July 1995), Belize (30 November 1994), Dominica (19 June 1996), Grenada (1 March 1996), Guyana* (26 November 1997), Jamaica (16 February 1995), St. Kitts/Nevis (8 May 1997), St. Lucia (22 May 1995) St. Vincent (12 February 1998) and Trinidad & Tobago (29 November 1994) None of those agreements comply with the minimum standard.
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