Implementing the Tax Transparency Standards

A Handbook for Assessors and Jurisdictions, Second Edition

image of Implementing the Tax Transparency Standards

This handbook is intended to assist the assessment teams and the reviewed jurisdictions that are participating in the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes (the “Global Forum”) peer reviews and non-member reviews. It provides contextual background information on the Global Forum   and the peer review process. It also contains key relevant documents and authoritative sources  that will guide assessors and reviewed jurisdictions through the peer review process. This handbook is also a unique source of information for governments academics and others interested in transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.  


Enabling Effective Exchange of Information

Availability and Reliability Standard

Exchange of information for tax purposes is effective when reliable information, foreseeably relevant to the tax requirements of a requesting jurisdiction is available, or can be made available, in a timely manner and there are legal mechanisms that enable the information to be obtained and exchanged. This requires clear rules regarding the maintenance of accounting records and access to such records.


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