Corporate Tax Statistics 2023
Corporate Tax Statistics 2023, a flagship publication of the OECD, provides comprehensive insights into corporate tax systems and the tax and economic activities of thousands of multinational enterprises operating around the world. It is a key outcome of Action 11 of the OECD/G20 BEPS Project which aims to improve the measurement and monitoring of tax avoidance. The report includes data on corporate tax rates, revenues, effective tax rates, as well as tax incentives for R&D and innovation. This fifth edition also includes two years of anonymised and aggregated country-by-country reporting data, and, for the first time, information on withholding tax rates under tax treaties for member jurisdictions of the OECD and the Inclusive Framework on BEPS.
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Corporate tax revenues
Data on corporate tax revenues can be used for comparison across jurisdictions and to track trends over time. The data in the Corporate Tax Statistics database is drawn from the OECD’s Global Revenue Statistics Database and allows for the comparison of individual jurisdictions as well as average corporate tax revenues across OECD, LAC, African, and Asian and Pacific jurisdictions. The Global Revenue Statistics Database covers 120 jurisdictions as of October 2023. Data on corporate tax revenues is available for 116of these jurisdictions. In addition to the OECD, the Global Revenue Statistics Database also contains data on 29 Asian and Pacific jurisdictions, 27 Latin America and Caribbean jurisdictions, and 30 African jurisdictions, and averages for the LAC, African, and Asian and Pacific regions.
Also available in: French
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