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Title Index

Year Index

  • 18 May 2012
  • OECD
  • Pages: 128

Around the OECD countries and beyond, there is a proliferation of initiatives in the life sciences to bring together disperse elements of global research and establish an effective virtual infrastructure for open innovation. Their common goal is to leverage innovative capacity by creating interconnected webs of knowledge and exploiting external expertise.
Some such initiatives have as their goal the monetisation and trading of knowledge in the form of intellectual assets. Others seek to create networks for pooling and exchange of knowledge. Together, these initiatives can be referred to as “knowledge networks and markets” (KNMs). This report considers the development of such KNMs and examines the impact of current initiatives and the possible options for governments, working with the private sector, to improve innovation efficiency and effectiveness.
Improving the interoperability of knowledge resources is fundamental to  the creation of a necessary shared infrastructure for efficient KNM to emerge, as is related sustainable funding and policy clarity. Governments can play a vital catalytic role in improving the productivity of KNMs through such infrastructure development and encouragement of associated social networking. the report makes suggestions for some priority actions based on existing case studies.    

  • 04 Dec 2001
  • OECD
  • Pages: 322

Knowledge and Skills for Life assesses how far students near the end of compulsory education (15-year-olds) have acquired some of the knowledge and skills that are essential for full participation in society.  It presents evidence on student performance in reading, mathematical and scientific literacy, reveals factors that influence the development of these skills at home and at school, and examines what the implications are for policy development.

The report shows considerable variation in levels of knowledge and skills between students, schools and countries. The extent to which the socio-economic background of students and schools affects student performance varies.  Some countries have managed to mitigate the influence of social background and some have done that while achieving a high overall mean performance.

A Winner of the 2001 Awards for Notable Government Documents conferred by the American Library Association/Library Journal

French, German, Spanish
  • 26 Nov 2007
  • OECD, Asian Development Bank
  • Pages: 262

Under which it proliferates. They know first hand that corruption jeopardizes security and economic growth, perpetuates poverty, and exacerbates social inequities. The knowledge has prompted the governments of more than half the world's population to commit to working together to fight corruption under the umbrella of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)/Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific. Civil society and the business community have joined them in this commitment, and together, the 25 member countries of the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific are taking action against corruption in Asia and the Pacific.

  • 15 Apr 2013
  • OECD
  • Pages: 96
Over the last decade Mexico has implemented a variety of policies to support business innovation. Support instruments have included direct subsidies to firms in the framework of competitive calls and R&D tax credit schemes. Specific policies have aimed at supporting public-private partnerships and technological collaboration between public research institutes and higher education institutions and enterprises. In many instances support focused on  priority sectors or technology areas, but in recent years more emphasis has been placed on support to small and medium-sized enterprises and the build-up of technology transfer capacities. This report evaluates the performance of the knowledge-based sector in Mexico and provides policy recommendations for improving the financing, creation and expansion of innovative knowledge-based start-ups.
  • 16 Dec 2020
  • International Energy Agency
  • Pages: 204

The International Energy Agency (IEA) regularly conducts in-depth peer reviews of the energy policies of its member countries. This process supports energy policy development and encourages the exchange of international best practices.

The Korean government is committed to substantially increasing the share of renewable energy sources in the electricity supply, gradually phasing out coal and nuclear power from the energy mix, significantly improving energy efficiency, and fostering the country’s nascent hydrogen industry. Many of these measures will help Korea advance its energy transition and improve its energy security, a high priority given the country’s limited domestic energy production. The government’s pledge of a Green New Deal as part of its Covid-19 economic recovery package in July 2020 is a significant step towards accelerating Korea’s energy transition. Achieving the ambitions of the Green New Deal will require addressing regulatory and institutional barriers, introducing more flexible energy markets, and making use of the country’s expertise in advanced technologies and innovative capacity.

In this report, the IEA provides recommendations for further improving Korea’s policies to help the country guide the transformation of its energy sector towards a secure and sustainable future.

  • 11 Feb 2021
  • International Energy Agency, Korea Energy Economics Institute
  • Pages: 116

This report, commissioned by the Korean Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy and written jointly by the International Energy Agency and the Korea Energy Economics Institute, examines current conditions and future opportunities to ensure electricity security and system flexibility with higher shares of variable renewable energy in Korea. The report examines the objectives from the 9th Basic Plan for Long-term Electricity (BPLE) in terms of energy demand and variable renewable energy deployment, and provides options to maintain the country’s current high level of electricity security, while integrating increasing shares of solar PV and wind. Taking into consideration the existing institutional and market structure, the analysis first looks into how flexibility needs may evolve in Korea’s power system and suggests technical options to satisfy these requirements making use of flexible generation, storage, demand-side flexibility and grids. The report then looks at key aspects of operational security and long-term planning, both recognising current progress in terms of grid and market code updates as well as suggesting improvements to the long-term planning process, through for example integrated resource planning. The report suggests market design improvements that can be implemented within the current framework, considering price formation mechanisms and integration with the existing emissions trading scheme. Finally, the report examines key aspects of climate and cyber resilience, suggesting improvements that can be integrated into long-term planning to ensure resilience across the whole value chain.

  • 11 Jan 2001
  • The World Bank, OECD
  • Pages: 151

As an input to Korea's efforts to revise the country's development strategy, the OECD and the World Bank have prepared a joint review of the challenges confronting Korea in its transition to a knowledge-based economy. The report proposes a four-pronged framework which will empower Korea to effectively tap into technology advances and the growing stock of knowledge: 1.  An economic and institutional regime that provides incentives for the efficient use of existing knowledge, for the creation of new knowledge, for the dismantling of obsolete activities and for the start-up of more efficient new ones. 2. An educated and entrepreneurial population that can both create and use new knowledge. 3. A dynamic information infrastructure that can facilitate effective communication, dissemination and processing of information. 4. An efficient innovation system comprising firms, science and research centers, universities, think tanks, consultants and other organizations that can interact and tap into the growing stock of global knowledge; assimilate and adapt it to local needs; and use it to create new knowledge and technology.

The report addresses additional challenges with respect to the development of knowledge-based activities, and of setting up an overall framework for the design and implementation of more consistent policies conducive to the knowledge-based economy.

In Korea's dynamic labour market, job displacement (involuntary job loss due to firm closure or downsizing) affects many workers over the course of their working lives. Some workers are more vulnerable than others to this risk and may face long periods of unemployment/inactivity after displacement, particularly if their skills are not well-matched to emerging job opportunities. Even when they find new jobs, displaced workers tend to be paid less, have fewer benefits and are more likely to be overskilled than in the jobs they held prior to displacement. Helping displaced workers get back into good jobs quickly should be a key goal of labour market policy. To achieve this goal, Korea needs to increase resources devoted to re-employment programmes, such as job-search training and job matching, to improve their performance and better target those who need the most help. Existing training programmes need to be revised to ensure that people are obtaining skills that will help them find work. The social safety net also needs to be strengthened to lower the personal and societal costs of displacement, notably by improving the coverage of unemployment benefits.

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 24

W krajowych profilach dotyczących nowotworów opisano mocne strony, wyzwania i konkretne obszary działania w odniesieniu do każdego z 27 państw członkowskich UE, Islandii i Norwegii, aby odpowiednio ukierunkować inwestycje i działania na szczeblu unijnym, krajowym i regionalnym w ramach Europejskiego Planu Walki z Rakiem. Każdy krajowy profil dotyczący nowotworów zawiera krótką syntezę dotyczącą: krajowego obciążenia nowotworami ; czynników ryzyka zachorowania na raka (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem behawioralnych i środowiskowych czynników ryzyka); programów wczesnego wykrywania; funkcjonowania opieki nad chorymi na raka (ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem dostępności, jakości opieki, kosztów oraz wpływu COVID-19 na opiekę nad chorymi na raka).

  • 01 Feb 2023
  • OECD
  • Pages: 20

Kræftlandeprofilerne identificerer styrker, udfordringer og specifikke indsatsområder for hver af de 27 EU-medlemsstater, Island og Norge, som skal være retningsgivende for investeringer og indgreb på EU-plan samt på nationalt og regionalt plan inden for rammerne af den europæiske kræfthandlingsplan. Hver landekræftprofil indeholder en kort sammenfatning af: den nationale kræftbyrde ; risikofaktorer for kræft (med fokus på adfærdsmæssige og miljømæssige risikofaktorer) ; programmer for tidlig opsporing; kræftbehandlingens resultater (med fokus på tilgængelighed, behandlingskvalitet, omkostninger og COVID-19’s indvirkning på kræftbehandling.)

  • 19 Jan 2021
  • OECD
  • Pages: 296

Berdasarkan pencapaian sejak Kajian Kebijakan Investasi OECD Indonesia pertama satu dekade lalu, Kajian Kedua ini menyajikan penilaian iklim investasi di Indonesia untuk mendukung pemerintah dalam upaya reformasi yang sedang berlangsung. Kajian Ini mengidentifikasi tantangan dan peluang, serta rekomendasi untuk meningkatkan daya saing, mendukung pertumbuhan, dan memastikan hasil investasi dirasakan secara merata dan berkelanjutan terhadap lingkungan. Kajian ini sangat menekankan pada langkah-langkah untuk membangun iklim investasi yang sehat, transparan, dan bertanggung jawab guna mendukung pemulihan ekonomi yang tangguh selepas pandemi COVID-19.

  • 16 Jul 2020
  • OECD
  • Pages: 179

1950 stellte Alan Turing erstmals die Frage, ob Maschinen denken können. Seitdem wurden im Bereich der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) gewaltige Fortschritte erzielt. Heute verändert KI Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft. KI ermöglicht Produktivitätssteigerungen, kann die Lebensqualität erhöhen und sogar bei der Bewältigung globaler Herausforderungen wie Klimawandel, Ressourcenknappheit und Gesundheitskrisen helfen. Mit der weltweiten Einführung von KI-Anwendungen wachsen aber auch die Bedenken, die ihre Nutzung aufwirft, u. a. in Bezug auf menschliche Werte und Fragen wie Fairness, menschliche Entscheidungsfreiheit, Datenschutz, Sicherheit und Haftung. Dieser Bericht soll helfen, ein gemeinsames Verständnis von künstlicher Intelligenz aktuell und für die nahe Zukunft zu entwickeln. Dazu beschreibt er technische, wirtschaftliche und politische Entwicklungen, geht auf konkrete Anwendungsfälle ein und befasst sich mit grundlegenden Fragen der Politikgestaltung. Zudem soll er für mehr Kohärenz in den Diskussionen sorgen, die in verschiedenen nationalen und internationalen Foren zum Thema künstliche Intelligenz geführt werden.

Korean, French, English

Šīs rokasgrāmatas mērķis ir uzlabot nodokļu pārbaužu veicēju informētību par problemātikām, kas saistītas ar kukuļiem un citām korupcijas formām. Tā sniedz „atslēgas”, lai atpazītu iespējamas kukuļošanas vai citu korupcijas formu pazīmes, veicot regulāru nodokļu kontroli un pārbaudes.

French, Greek, Portuguese, English, German, All
  • 28 Feb 2013
  • Miho Taguma, Ineke Litjens, Kelly Makowiecki
  • Pages: 67

Vzdelávanie a starostlivosť v ranom detstve (VSRD) môžu byť prínosné v širokej škále aspektov – pre deti, ich rodičov aj spoločnosť ako takú. Všetky tieto prínosy však závisia od kvality VSRD. Širšie sprístupnenie služieb bez ohľadu na kvalitu neprinesie z pohľadu dlhodobého zvýšenia produktivity práce nič dobré deťom ani spoločnosti.

Toto vydanie správ špecifických pre jednotlivé krajiny sa zameriava na otázky súvisiace s kvalitou. Každá správa sa zaoberá konkrétnou témou, ktorú si zvolila samotná skúmaná krajina. Správy poukazujú na silné stránky a upozorňujú na oblasti, na ktoré by sa mali zamerať úvahy o iniciatívach v rámci súčasných politík.

Dieser Bericht untersucht die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Wirtschaft in den Alpen. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt auf den Anpassungsstrategien zur Bewältigung zweier besonders neuralgischer Punkte: der zunehmenden Einbußen im Wintertourismus infolge der abnehmenden Schneedecke und der wachsenden Gefährdung von Einrichtungen und Infrastruktur durch Naturrisiken.

Diese Veröffentlichung enthält die erste systematische länderübergreifende Analyse der Schneesicherheit der alpinen Skigebiete im Kontext des Klimawandels für fünf Länder der Region: Frankreich, Schweiz, Österreich, Italien und Deutschland. Sie untersucht die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels im Hinblick auf eine Reihe in den Alpen bereits existierender Naturgefahren, wobei der Schwerpunkt insbesondere auf den Rahmenbedingungen und Finanzierungsmechanismen für das Naturgefahrenmanagement in drei Ländern liegt: Frankreich, Schweiz und Österreich. Auch die technologischen und verhaltensbezogenen Anpassungsmaßnahmen sind, gemeinsam mit den institutionellen Strukturen und Risikotransfermechanismen, Gegenstand der Untersuchung.

Die Implikationen dieser Beurteilung betreffen nicht nur die Alpen, sondern auch andere Gebirgssysteme, in denen sich ähnliche klimatische und kontextuelle Herausforderungen stellen, wie z.B. in Nordamerika, Australien und Neuseeland. Der Fall der Alpen mit ihrer hohen Anpassungskapazität bietet Beispiele guter Praxis, die nicht nur im Kontext anderer Industriestaaten, sondern auch von Entwicklungsländern wertvoll sind.

French, English
  • 04 Sept 2006
  • OECD, Nuclear Energy Agency
  • Pages: 120
Die Studie befasst sich mit den wichtigsten gegenwärtigen Fragen zur Kernenergie, und gibt einen zuverlässigen, auf Fakten gestützten Überblick über die Thematik.

In der Studie werden die grundlegenden Fragen angesprochen, die für die Kernenergiedebatte heute von Bedeutung sind. Es werden wissenschaftliche und technologische Grundlagen ausgearbeitet sowie Fakten und offene Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Behandlung radioaktiver Abfälle, der kerntechnischen Sicherheit, dem Strahlenschutz, der Wirtschaftlichkeit sowie dem internationalen Atomrecht und der Nichtverbreitung von Kernwaffen behandelt. Es wird die Kernenergie im Kontext der nachhaltigen Entwicklung betrachtet und auch auf das Potenzial neuer Kernenergie-Technologien eingegangen.

English, French
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