Towards an Integrated Health Information System in Korea

image of Towards an Integrated Health Information System in Korea

Twenty-first-century health systems will be built around data and information. An integrated health information system enables the secure flow of data to where they can be used to create information and knowledge to advance policy and health system objectives. This report describes the requirements and the benefits of an integrated health information system; outlines the current situation in Korea in the context of progress across OECD countries; and recommends policy and operational changes to overcome barriers to the efficient exchange and sharing of health data and establish an integrated health information system that supports continuous learning, improvement and innovation.


Key findings and recommendations

Twenty-first century health systems will be built around data and information. Data and their efficient exchange are fundamental to generating the information needed to improve and optimise health system performance. This chapter brings together the key findings of this review of how health data are managed and used in Korea and makes recommendations for creating an integrated national health information system. The chapter outlines what is meant by health data and an integrated health information system, and its role in advancing health care and it outlines the strengths and challenges of the Korean health information landscape. The review finds that Korea is well placed to build an integrated health information system that will support a high-performing health system and recommends central leadership and a national health information strategy including greater harmonisation of clinical and health data, an enabling legal and policy framework, building trust and fostering collaboration among key stakeholders, and developing a hub as a single entry point for secure data access.


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