Settling In: OECD Indicators of Immigrant Integration 2012
This publication highlights how immigrants and their children are integrating into OECD societies, judging their progress against key indicators. Many areas are considered (material living conditions, health, education, labour market, civic engagement) as integration is a multi-dimensional issue. Measures of outcomes, as well as of progress made over the past decade, are presented in comparison with outcomes of a reference group (the population born in the country of residence). Three series of questions are addressed: 1) To what extent does the average performance of immigrants differ from that of the native-born?; 2) Can these differences be explained by structural effects (different distributions by age, educational level, etc.)?; 3) How has integration record evolved over the past decade?
An introductory chapter provides a detailed description of the populations under review (foreign-born persons and households, as well as native-born offspring of immigrants). The final chapter gives an overview on discrimination issues, as this is one possible source of persistent disadvantages of immigrants and their children.
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Education of native-born offspring of immigrants
Educational outcomes are associated with labour market outcomes and some aspects of social integration. Immigrants’ educational attainment cannot be considered as an outcome of the integration process, since most migrants have obtained their education abroad. However, the education of the native-born children of immigrants, raised and educated in the country of residence, is a major integration outcome and it is indeed considered a benchmark for integration at large because of the broader implications of education.Personal cognitive skills, the household environment and socio-economic background (in particular educational attainment of the parents) are some of the most important determinants of individuals’ educational outcomes. Language spoken at home is also a key factor that affects language skills. In addition, other disadvantages, such as attendance in schools with a high proportion of economically disadvantaged families, tend to correlate with poor educational outcomes. Conversely, participation in early childhood education and care can be a positive driver of final educational outcomes, particularly for children from immigrant and low-income families.This chapter examines the participation in pre-primary education (Indicator 5.1); the reading skills at the age of 15 (Indicator 5.2) as well as the information on the highest educational level achieved (Indicator 5.3). For a discussion on these indicators, refer to the section "Measurement" at the end of this chapter.
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