Regional Challenges of West African Migration

African and European Perspectives

image of Regional Challenges of West African Migration

This publication presents contributions by international experts on various aspects of West African migration. It provides a contrasting perspective to current debates which essentially focus on security issues. This rather non-institutional approach promotes a constant dialogue based on analyses of the actual situation: the authors encourage "win-win" mobility for all parties involved (Europe, North Africa and West Africa), whether it be a host, transit or departure country.

English Also available in: French

Niger – A Crossroads of African Migration Networks

Sahel and West Africa Club

A journalist (written press, radio and television) and trainer, Mr BOLOUVI covers the entire West African region. A consultant for various international organisations, including SWAC-OECD, he is the founder of the Cross-border Diaries Magazine. Mr Bolouvi is also involved in the ECOWAS Cross-border Initiatives Programme and in research carried out in Niger in March 2008 on the subject of “Migration and Development Organisations in Niger” for the Spanish NGO, MPDL (Movimiento por la paz, el desarme y la libertad – Movement for peace, disarmament and liberty), based in Madrid, within the framework of a European programme to combat clandestine migration: “Programa integral de codesarrollo en Marruecos, Malí, Níger y países limítrofes” (Joint development programme for Morocco, Mali, Niger and bordering countries). This interview is based on the results of that work. 

English Also available in: French

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