International Migration Outlook 2016
The 2016 edition of the International Migration Outlook analyses recent developments in migration movements and policies in OECD countries and selected non-OECD countries, and looks at the evolution of the labour market outcomes of recent immigrants in OECD countries. The report includes two special chapters: “The economic impact of migration: Why the local level matters” and "International migration following environmental and geopolitical shocks: How can OECD countries respond?", as well as country notes and a statistical annex.
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During 2014, a total of 4 600 persons emigrated from Estonia, a decrease of over 30% compared to 2013. However, this flow continued to exceed total immigration (3 900 persons), resulting in a net outflow of -700, down from -2 600 the previous year. Most emigrants (93%) were Estonian nationals; the main destination country was Finland (66%), followed by the United Kingdom (8%). At the same time, Estonian nationals returning from Finland comprised 65% of all immigrants. A third of all immigrants came from Finland, and the net migration with Finland was still negative (-1 800 persons) but falling (-4 000 in 2013).
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