International Migration Outlook 2016
The 2016 edition of the International Migration Outlook analyses recent developments in migration movements and policies in OECD countries and selected non-OECD countries, and looks at the evolution of the labour market outcomes of recent immigrants in OECD countries. The report includes two special chapters: “The economic impact of migration: Why the local level matters” and "International migration following environmental and geopolitical shocks: How can OECD countries respond?", as well as country notes and a statistical annex.
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In 2014, the total inflow of foreign nationals to Austria rose to 154 300 persons, an increase of 19 000 (14%) over 2013. Foreign nationals leaving the country numbered 76 500, a slight increase of 3% compared to 2013. Nearly two-thirds (64%) moved to European Economic Area (EEA) countries or Switzerland. This resulted in a positive net immigration of 77 700 foreign nationals, a 28% increase of 17 000 persons compared to the previous year. Factoring in the net outflow of 5 400 Austrian nationals in 2014 reduces the total net immigration rate to 72 300. By January 2015, the stock of foreign nationals amounted to 1.1 million (13% of the total population), constituting an increase of 80 000 persons compared to January of the previous year. The largest groups were German (170 000), Turkish (115 000) and Serbian nationals (114 000).
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