International Migration Outlook 2012
OECD's annual publication analysing recent developments in migration movements and policies in its countries. Each edition provides the latest statistical information on immigrant stocks and flows, immigrants in the labour market, and migration policies. This 2012 edition covers all OECD countries, as well as the Russian Federation, Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania. Two special chapters complement the information on movements and policies: “Renewing the skills of ageing workforces: The role of migration” and “The Changing Role of Asia in International Migration”. The publication also features country profiles and a statistical annex.
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United Kingdom
According to ONS estimates published in November 2011, total inflows to the United Kingdom in 2010 were 591 000, an increase of 4% compared with 2009. Over the same period, outflows decreased by 8%, to 339 000. Total net migration rose by 27%, to 252 000, the highest figure ever recorded. A net outflow of 43 000 UK nationals was compensated by a net inflow of 294 000 non-UK nationals. Net migration increased for all foreign groups except for EU15 citizens.
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