Inclusive Growth in Seoul, Korea

image of Inclusive Growth in Seoul, Korea

This report, undertaken within the framework of the OECD Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth initiative, assesses inclusive growth trends and challenges in the Seoul metropolitan area. The analysis goes beyond income to assess the barriers faced by specific groups - non-regular workers, youth, women, the elderly and migrants - across four dimensions: education, labour market, housing and the urban environment, and infrastructure and public services. The study then takes a closer look at two major policy efforts by the Seoul Metropolitan Government to advance inclusive growth. The study analyses the city’s efforts to ensure that strategies to address climate change also protect and benefit the most vulnerable populations, notably through the Promise of Seoul, which puts citizen welfare and social inclusion at the heart of the city’s efforts to tackle climate change. The study also assesses the efforts of city authorities to level the playing field for small firms and entrepreneurs through its Economic Democratisation Agenda.



In the face of rising inequalities in cities, many mayors from around the world have taken a stand. The OECD launched the Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth initiative in March 2016 as part of the OECD Inclusive Growth initiative, bringing together nearly 50 local leaders from around the world who have made the fight against inequalities a central policy priority. Since its inception, this global coalition, which draws mayors from Paris to New York, from Cape Town to Medellín, from Los Angeles to Seoul, has delivered three major political outcomes, including the New York Proposal, the Paris Action Plan, and the Seoul Implementation Agenda. These documents reflect the shared commitment of mayors to work together to advance more inclusive cities.


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