Health at a Glance: Europe 2022

State of Health in the EU Cycle

image of Health at a Glance: Europe 2022

The 2022 edition of Health at a Glance: Europe examines the key challenges European countries must address to develop stronger, more resilient health systems following the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes a special focus on how the pandemic has affected young people’s mental and physical health. The report emphasises the need for additional measures to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic from scarring a generation of young people. This edition of Health at a Glance: Europe also assesses the pandemic’s disruption of a wide range of health services for non-COVID patients, as well as the policy responses European countries deployed to minimise the adverse consequences of these disruptions. It also addresses a number of important behavioural and environmental risk factors that have a major impact on people’s health and mortality, highlighting the need to put a greater focus on the prevention of both communicable and non-communicable diseases.



Pandemija je močno vplivala na življenja ljudi v Evropi in po svetu. Zaradi nje se je pričakovana življenjska doba v EU leta 2021 skrajšala za več kot eno leto v primerjavi z ravnjo pred pandemijo, kar je v večini držav članic EU največje skrajšanje po drugi svetovni vojni. Do konca oktobra 2022 so iz 27 držav članic EU sporočili več kot 1,1 milijona smrtnih primerov zaradi COVID-19. Vendar je ta številka podcenjena, saj statistika o prekomerni smrtnosti kaže, da je zaradi posrednih ali neposrednih posledic pandemije umrlo dodatnih 300 000 ljudi. Več kot 90 % umrlih zaradi COVID-19 je bilo starejših od 60 let. Smrtnost zaradi COVID-19 je bila najnižja v nordijskih državah (Islandija, Norveška, Danska in Finska), najvišja pa v državah Srednje in Vzhodne Evrope (Bolgarija, Madžarska, Hrvaška, Češka, Slovenija, Latvija in Romunija).

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