Health at a Glance: Europe 2016
State of Health in the EU Cycle
This fourth edition of Health at a Glance: Europe presents key indicators of health and health systems in the 28 EU countries, 5 candidate countries to the EU and 3 EFTA countries. This 2016 edition contains two main new features: two thematic chapters analyse the links between population health and labour market outcomes, and the important challenge of strengthening primary care systems in European countries; and a new chapter on the resilience, efficiency and sustainability of health systems in Europe, in order to align the content of this publication more closely with the 2014 European Commission Communication on effective, accessible and resilient health systems. This publication is the result of a renewed collaboration between the OECD and the European Commission under the broader "State of Health in the EU" initiative, designed to support EU member states in their evidence-based policy making.
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Asthma and COPD prevalence
Asthma is a disease of the bronchial tubes characterised by wheesing during breathing, shortness of breath or coughing. Asthma is the single most important chronic disease among children, and also affects many adults. It is a significant public health problem for which prevention is partly possible and treatment can be effective. Its causes are not well understood, but effective medicines are available to help in maintaining quality of life.
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