Health at a Glance: Asia/Pacific 2012
This second edition of Health at a Glance Asia/Pacific presents a set of key indicators of health status, the determinants of health, health care resources and utilisation, health care expenditure and financing and health care quality across 27 Asia/Pacific countries and economies.
Drawing on a wide range of data sources, it builds on the format used in previous editions of Health at a Glance, and gives readers a better understanding of the factors that affect the health of populations and the performance of health systems in these countries and economies.
Each of the indicators is presented in a user-friendly format, consisting of charts illustrating variations across countries and over time, brief descriptive analyses highlighting the major findings conveyed by the data, and a methodological box on the definition of the indicator and any limitations in data comparability. An annex provides additional information on the demographic context in which health systems operate.
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Quality of care initiatives in the Asia/Pacific region
Since 2009, Bangladesh has been implementing a broad array of digital services to improve the accessibility and quality of its health care. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare now runs a digital District Health Information System connecting all health facilities, down to sub-district level (about 800 in total). Facilities can upload data directly to the repository, allowing tables and charts of service data or population health status to be quickly created at facility, regional or national level. Comparison of data between time periods and geographic locations is possible, supporting evidence-based policy making. Expansion continues down to grassroots level, with a target to reach all rural 18 000 community clinics by end of 2013.
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