Health at a Glance 2023
OECD Indicators
Health at a Glance provides a comprehensive set of indicators on population health and health system performance across OECD members and key emerging economies. These cover health status, risk factors for health, access to and quality of healthcare, and health system resources. Analysis draws from the latest comparable official national statistics and other sources.
Alongside indicator-by-indicator analysis, an overview chapter summarises the comparative performance of countries and major trends. This edition also has a special focus on digital health, which measures the digital readiness of OECD countries’ health systems, and outlines what countries need to do accelerate the digital health transformation.
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Demographic trends
In recent decades, the share of the population aged 65 and over has doubled on average across OECD countries, increasing from less than 9% in 1960 to 18% in 2021. Declining fertility rates and longer life expectancy (see section on “Life expectancy at birth” in Chapter 3) have meant that older people make up an increasing proportion of the population in OECD countries. Across the 38 OECD member countries, more than 242 million people were aged 65 and over in 2021, including more than 64 million who were at least 80 years old. These demographic developments highlight the importance of ensuring that health systems are equipped to meet the changing needs of an older population.
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