- Disclaimers
- Foreword
- Editorial
- Reader’s guide
- The organising framework
- The structure and content of Education at a Glance
- Statistical coverage
- Comparability over time
- Country coverage
- Note on subnational regions
- Note on terminology: “partner countries” and “other participants”
- Calculation of international means
- Classification of levels of education
- Standard error (S.E.)
- Symbols for missing data and abbreviations
- Further resources
- Layout of tables
- Abbreviations used in this report
- References
- Executive Summary
- Early childhood education and care enrolment common at age 2 or 3
- More young adults completing upper secondary education
- Less than half of VET students enrol in combined school- and work-based programmes
- Spending per student varies greatly across OECD countries
- Low wages reduce the attractiveness of the teaching profession
- Ensuring continued learning for Ukrainian refugees
- Chapter A. The output of educational institutions and the impact of learning
- Indicator A1. To what level have adults studied?
- Indicator A2. Transition from education to work: Where are today’s youth?
- Indicator A3. How does educational attainment affect participation in the labour market?
- Indicator A4. What are the earnings advantages from education?
- Indicator A6. How are social outcomes related to education?
- Indicator A7. To what extent do adults participate in education and training?
- Indicator A1. To what level have adults studied?
- Chapter B. Access to education, participation and progression
- Indicator B1. Who participates in education?
- Indicator B2. How do early childhood education systems differ around the world?
- Indicator B3. Who is expected to complete upper secondary education?
- Indicator B4. Who enters tertiary education?
- Indicator B5. Who graduates from tertiary education?
- Indicator B6. What is the profile of internationally mobile students?
- Indicator B1. Who participates in education?
- Chapter C. Financial resources invested in education
- Introduction
- Indicator C1. How much is spent per student on educational institutions?
- Indicator C2. What proportion of national output is spent on educational institutions?
- Indicator C3. How much public and private investment in educational institutions is there?
- Indicator C4. What is the total government spending on education?
- Indicator C7. Which factors influence teachers’ salary cost?
- Introduction
- Chapter D: Teachers, the learning environment and the organisation of schools
- Indicator D1. How much time do students spend in the classroom?
- Indicator D3. How much are teachers and school heads paid?
- Indicator D6. What assessments and examinations of students are in place?
- Indicator D7. What is the profile of vocational teachers and what is the student-vocational teacher ratio?
- Indicator D1. How much time do students spend in the classroom?
- Annexes
- Ensuring continued learning for Ukrainian refugees
- AA
- A+
- A-