4. Trends in the secondary plastics markets

As highlighted by the “3 R framework” (reduce, reuse, recycle), policies should seek first to reduce plastic consumption and maintain plastic material in higher value loops, prior to recycling. Reducing plastics can be done by optimising product design and reusing can be done by shifting from single-use to more durable plastic products, which can lower the energy use per consumption cycle. Recycling plastics and using this “secondary” plastic material can reduce environmental pressures when reduction or substitution away from plastics is not feasible, or would lead to greater environmental impacts and when durable plastic product reach their end of life. Recycling plastics is thus an important component of the circular economy.

As far as it displaces primary plastic production and does not induce additional plastic consumption, recycling provides environmental benefits (Zink and Geyer, 2018[1]). The separate collection of plastics for recycling helps to keep plastic waste out of landfills (where plastics can emit harmful compounds and leachates), and incineration, during which plastics generate flue gases and other harmful emissions (Ilyas et al., 2018[2]). Moreover, revenues from recycling encourage valuable materials to be collected and adoption of measures for reducing the volume of mismanaged waste. Finally, recycling provides feedstock for secondary plastics, which can be used to make products with a reduced carbon footprint (Benavides et al., 2018[3]; Zheng and Suh, 2019[4]).

Recycling plastics requires several costly upstream steps, including collecting, sorting and transporting waste. The organisation of these activities differs structurally across countries (Table 4.1). Most high-income countries have a formal system of separate collection organised by the government. The collected material is frequently sorted using capital-intensive processing. In contrast, in low-income countries, separate collection and sorting of high value recyclables such as PET (polyethylene terephthalate) are often performed by low-skilled workers or by an informal recycling sector (i.e. waste pickers). While informal workers can perform key functions in collecting and sorting wastes, there are serious concerns that informal recycling processes are relatively inefficient and environmentally harmful, often failing to prevent emissions of hazardous substances and resulting in health and environmental risks (Box 4.1).

The origin of a plastic waste stream determines the level of purity that can be attained after recycling, and thus the value of the resultant secondary plastic (Table 4.2). Post-industrial waste and post-consumer commercial waste can be collected in large containers to minimise logistic costs. Moreover, control mechanisms (e.g. training employees and visual inspection during pickup) can help to achieve high-quality streams and high market prices. In contrast, post-consumer household waste has a high cost of collection (e.g. kerbside collection is expensive) and often contains a substantial share of impurities. Consequently, the collection of most household waste streams tends to generate a net cost for the municipalities in charge. The high-income countries with the highest recycling rates tend to use Extended Producer Responsibility schemes to finance the collection of recyclable plastics from households (explained in Chapter 6) in order to compensate these costs.

Currently, only mechanical recycling1 of PET and polyethylene (PE) plastics demonstrates widespread commercial viability (Garcia and Robertson, 2017[14]). Mechanical recycling of polypropylene (PP) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) also occurs, but to a lesser extent. Compared with other forms of plastics production and recycling (see below), mechanical recycling requires little capital investment and has fewer barriers to entry for new firms (Hundertmark et al., 2018[15]). However, it results in varying degrees of degradation and quality can only be maintained for a limited number of cycles involving the same material (Hatti-Kaul et al., 2020[16]). Therefore, manufacturers often use mechanically recycled plastics for lower value applications, known as downcycling (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2016[17]). Advances in design, separation (either separate collection or using technology to sort mixed waste), pre-treatment and recyclability can improve the output quality of mechanical recycling.

Chemical recycling operations2 can complement mechanical recycling by expanding recycling opportunities to additional resins and waste streams (Ragaert et al., 2021[18]). However, chemical recycling facilities are still predominantly in the pilot or demonstration stages (Hann and Connock, 2020[19]). The primary barrier to expansion is economic feasibility. In addition, due to the high energy intensity of these processes and their production of toxic by-products, chemical recycling may not always be environmentally beneficial. However, the processes can produce particularly high-quality, pure material (in purification and plastic-to-monomer applications) that can meet the standards for food applications, potentially justifying the costs (Ragaert et al., 2021[18]). Plastic-to-fuel applications, in which plastic waste is transformed into fuels, can generate equally high-quality end products, but some countries and stakeholders do not consider this to be recycling. In the coming decades, industry is likely to increase investments in chemical recycling due to its potential role in future recycling markets.

Recycling markets are the fora of exchange for the numerous actors involved at different points in the supply chain, including the public sector, firms, traders (exporters and importers), brokers, and ultimately manufacturers. Markets allocate recycled plastics to the use with the highest value and create a profit motive that incentivises higher recycling rates. The larger the scale and depth of the markets, the better secondary materials are able to compete with primary equivalents, in turn driving the environmental benefits of recycling.

Secondary plastics production has more than quadrupled in the last two decades, from roughly 6.7 Mt in 2000 to 29.1 Mt in 2019, but remains small compared to primary plastics production. Production of primary equivalents nearly doubled over the same period amounting to 431 Mt in 2019. Taken together, the continued growth in primary production and the relatively small size of secondary production suggests that there has not been a fundamental shift in the market to secondary plastics (Figure 4.1).

There are regional differences in secondary production capacity. The Asia-Pacific region is the largest producer by weight, followed by Europe and North America. Recycling is likely to continue increasing in Asia-Pacific due to growing infrastructure development as well as low labour costs. Introducing more advanced technology and upscaling operations could further improve the quantity and quality of the supply of secondary plastics in these markets. In Europe growth is expected due to policies such as recycled content standards that favour the production and use of secondary plastics (Grand View Research, 2020[20]).

Economically, there are several drivers of and barriers to secondary production. Historically, secondary material has often been used by manufacturers as a (low-cost) substitute for primary plastic. As a result the price of secondary plastics correlated with the price of primary plastic equivalents. This absence of a separate demand for secondary material affects the viability of recycling, since secondary material prices do not fully reflect the costs of secondary production (e.g. collection, sorting, and processing), but follow price patterns of primary plastics and their inputs (e.g. oil prices). This leaves secondary plastics markets exposed to price fluctuations in primary plastics markets. As well, compared with firms that produce primary plastics, recycling firms produce less material, are less capital-intensive and have fewer sales making them less resilient (Table 4.3). These differences between primary and secondary markets suggest that secondary markets are relatively small and vulnerable (OECD, 2018[5]).

Another barrier to the growth of secondary plastics is the quality of the plastic waste collected. The wide range of polymers and additives (including hazardous chemicals) used in the manufacture of plastics means that polymers in plastic waste are often co-mingled and contaminated (see Annex A for more details). Moreover, if not sorted properly and kept apart from other waste streams such as organic waste, collected plastic waste is of little value for secondary material production due to the difficulty of extracting impurities and the limited range of potential applications for low-grade recycled material.

Regulation strongly affects the business case for recycling activities and the market for secondary plastics. High landfill and incineration taxes are strong drivers of recycling, as are landfill bans. However, if not accompanied by strong environmental standards and enforcement, the risk is that waste will continue to be dumped, incinerated or mismanaged, weakening recycling rates (OECD, 2018[5]).

Public authorities are strengthening policy frameworks to both restrain the demand for primary plastics (Chapter 6) and to replace primary plastics with secondary material in applications where plastics are the optimal material. Previous OECD work evaluated 51 policy interventions to improve secondary plastics markets (OECD, 2018[5]) that remain highly relevant. To summarise, policies can foster secondary markets and increase their resilience in three ways:

  • Demand-“pull” measures, such as recycled content standards or green public procurement can increase the demand for secondary materials.

  • Supply-“push” measures, such as extended producer responsibility (EPR) schemes or research and development funds for recycling technologies can lower costs and improve the quality of supply. Eco-design and information requirements, such as design standards for disassembly and information requirements or bans of hazardous substances can further improve the quality of supplied secondary materials (Box 4.2). Landfill and incineration taxes are further policies that incentivise recycling.

  • Policies that aim to ensure that the price of primary plastic includes the external costs of primary production can level the playing field for recycling. Examples include taxes on primary production, and reforming support for fossil fuel production and consumption.

Three recent policy developments are worth further consideration for their potential to shift the demand and supply from primary to secondary plastics:

  • regulatory recycled content standards

  • taxes on non-recycled waste generation, and

  • extensive voluntary commitments by firms.

An increasing number of countries are introducing mandatory minimum recycled content standards or similar incentives. For instance, the EU’s Single-Use Plastics Directive will require plastic bottles to contain at least 25% recycled content by 2025 and 30% recycled content by 2030 (European Union, 2019[30]). From 2022, California’s Assembly Bill No. 793 will require a minimum share (up to 50% in 2030) of post-consumer recycled plastic in plastic beverage containers (California Legislative Information, 2020[31]). Also from 2022, the UK will apply a tax (GBP 200 per tonne) on plastic packaging with less than 30% recycled material (HM Revenue & Customs, 2020[32]). These policies aim to “pull” demand for secondary plastics though requirements or incentives for the composition of products or packaging. In turn, demand can help to instigate improved supply of secondary material as an input for regulated products.

In addition, several countries are planning to tax non-recycled plastic waste. The European Union introduced a levy on its Member States of EUR 0.8 for every kilogramme of non-recycled plastic packaging waste generated. This levy is in place since 1 January 2021 and is likely to lead to the introduction of a round of related national taxes in the coming years (European Commission, 2021[33]). For example, Italy and Spain have each announced they will introduce national taxes on non-recycled, single-use plastic packaging (KPMG, 2020[34]). Market-based instruments, such as these can help to increase the cost of waste management options that compete with recycling, lowering its relative cost. These measures can be a “push” for recycling by increasing the quantity of material collected for recycling.

Voluntary corporate commitments may help to generate significant additional demand for recycled post-consumer household polymers of high quality and purity. In recent years, leading brand-owners of fast-moving consumer goods and other sectors have made an increasing number of commitments to incorporate post-consumer recycled material in their products. Examples include the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy Global Commitment and the European Circular Plastics Alliance (Ellen MacArthur Foundation, 2021[35]; European Commission, 2021[36]). If these commitments are realised, they will substantially increase demand for recycled plastics, especially for food-grade secondary material.

The European PET market suggests that the combination of policy instruments and recent industry commitments discussed above may be creating a specific demand for recycled polymers at prices that are less dependent on the prices of substitutes (Brown and Kinner, 2020[37]). From 2018, the difference between the reported price of secondary food-grade PET pellets and the spot price of a primary equivalent has grown to over EUR 600/tonne in 2020 (Victory, McGeough and Tudball, 2021[38]). The difference suggests some decoupling of primary and secondary prices in this market, especially for food-grade applications. This specific demand for secondary material should mean prices better reflect the underlying costs and should make demand less volatile, which should further boost recycling and secondary material supply.

The interest of entrepreneurs and investors in the circular use of plastics is also picking up. The total number of patents for environmentally relevant plastic innovation rose by a factor of 3.4 between 1990 and 2017 (for details see Chapter 5). In addition, new patents are increasingly focusing on waste prevention and recycling, with about half of all patented plastic innovations in 2017 having a focus on these areas. Changes in consumer priorities and an increasing policy emphasis on plastic recycling seem to have improved the business case for investments in new recycling technologies and projects (Box 4.3).

International trade in plastic waste and scrap can enable economic efficiencies by moving materials to countries with a comparative advantage in recycling plastic. For example, markets in Asia – particularly China and India – can produce secondary material cheaply due to lower labour costs and a well-developed recycling infrastructure (Locock et al., 2017[24]). China has historically been the predominant export destination for many OECD countries, largely for these reasons, as well as a high demand for (secondary) plastics by its manufacturing sector. In addition, the availability of inexpensive shipping to China, driven by the country’s trade surplus and its prominent role in global manufacturing supply chains, has facilitated export flows to China (Wang et al., 2020[39]; Merrington, 2017[40]). The economies of scale that such trade enables are likely to be an essential tool for strengthening secondary markets and bridging (part of) the gap in production between primary and secondary plastics.

On the other hand, trade in waste may lead to environmental leakage, if it is motivated by differences in the stringency or enforcement of environmental regulation (e.g. lower environmental standards for contaminated or hazardous plastic waste treatment) (Yamaguchi, 2018[41]; Kellenberg, 2012[42]). Some export destinations have experienced a serious influx of plastic waste that is heavily contaminated and hard to recycle. A share of this waste is treated by the informal waste management sector, which can lead to environmental and health issues (Box 4.1).

Global waste trade peaked in 2014, but then started to decrease following the introduction of strict import requirements by China (Figure 4.2 and Box 4.4). Since 2013, China has imposed several drastic restrictions on imported plastic waste in order to increase quality, reduce waste leakage and promote recycling of domestically-collected waste. The “Green Fence” policy began in 2013 and banned imports of mixed plastic waste that contained more than 1.5% contamination with non-recyclables (Velis, 2014[43]). Since 2017, the “National Sword” policy has tightened this restriction to 0.5% contamination (Wang et al., 2020[39]; Brooks, Wang and Jambeck, 2018[44]). As these new levels are challenging for industry to meet, the policy effectively banned the vast majority of waste exports to China.

Trade restrictions, like those introduced by China, shift trade patterns and the demand for domestic processing. Table 4.4 summarises the most relevant opportunities and risks linked to trade restrictions.

Following the closure of the Chinese market, global trade declined and export flows shifted to other countries, mostly in Southeast Asia (Wang et al., 2020[39]). Exports of plastic waste to a number of destinations increased substantially from early 2017 to mid-2018: Indonesia (218%), Malaysia (440%), Thailand (1141%), Turkey (314%), and Vietnam (203%) (Figure 4.4). Substantial increases in imports in such a short period put immense pressure on local recycling and waste management capacity. The increase in exports to these destinations coincided with an increase in the detection of illegal landfilling, waste fires and unlicensed recycling operations. As imported material is more frequently pre-sorted and of higher value than domestically sourced waste in these countries, the increased imports have likely pushed some domestic waste sources to be (illegally) disposed of in a context of limited recycling capacities (INTERPOL, 2020[46]).

In response to the growing pressures from imported plastic waste on customs offices and domestic treatment, several emerging export destinations have set their own restrictions and bans (Box 4.4). Malaysia, Thailand and Viet Nam all implemented import restrictions over the course of 2018. This led to decreases in exports to these countries in the second half of 2018 (Wang et al., 2020[39]). In 2019, India also banned imports of plastic waste (Staub, 2019[48]). Exports to Malaysia, Viet Nam and most notably Turkey, continued to rise again in 2019. In spring 2021, Turkey introduced an import ban for some types of plastic waste, which was subsequently replaced by an enhanced licensing system (Republic of Turkey, 2021[49]).

The continued demand for feedstock materials in China has triggered foreign investment by Chinese recycling firms in other Asian states. Whilst waste processing has shifted to other countries, China often remains the ultimate destination for much of the processed secondary plastic material (Morita and Hayashi, 2018[51]; Toloken, 2020[52]). Exemplifying China’s shift from an importer of plastic waste to an importer of processed secondary plastics, Chinese imports of secondary pellets grew from 10 000 tonnes per month before scrap import restrictions were introduced, to around 400 000 tonnes per month in 2018 (Taylor, 2018[53]).

In addition to unilateral trade restrictions, recent amendments to the Basel Convention and OECD Council Decision 0266 to address environmental concerns stemming from the lack of environmentally sound management of imported plastic waste came into force in 2021:

  • The Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal (the Basel Convention) adopted amendments to Annexes II, VIII and IX to restrict the transboundary movement of certain plastic waste unless it is almost free of contamination and destined for recycling in an environmentally sound manner (Secretariat of the Basel Convention, 2020[54]).

  • The OECD Decision of the Council on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Wastes Destined for Recovery Operations [OECD/LEGAL/0266] (the OECD Decision), which is closely interlinked with the Basel Convention and allows for facilitated intra-OECD waste shipments, was subsequently also amended, enabling OECD Member Countries to control non-hazardous plastic waste in line with their domestic legislation and international law (OECD, 2020[55]).

These amendments have expanded the plastic waste types that are subject to trade restrictions and have also fragmented the rules for intra-OECD trade. The additional heterogeneity in trade rules will likely raise compliance costs for waste traders and increase complexity for enforcement organisations. Taken together these developments are likely to further reduce trade volumes of affected plastic waste in the short term. Conversely, the stricter rules could help to reduce trade in problematic and hard-to-recycle (i.e. highly mixed or contaminated) plastic waste, lowering plastic leakage to the environment. Indirectly, the trade rules also help incentivise better collection and sorting practices, which can improve the efficiency of recycling in the long-term.


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← 1. Mechanical recycling processes plastic waste by washing, shredding, melting, followed by re-moulding and is often blended with virgin material to form a finished product, typically in the form of pellets.

← 2. Chemical recycling processes plastic waste by applying chemical agents that break down waste material into its building blocks (either polymers, monomers or fuels).

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