Annex A. Allocation of competences in France relevant for migrant integration

The process of decentralisation has been developed through three key steps in France starting in the early 1980s. In 1982, Act 1 of decentralisation begun through the Gaston Deffer law that transferred executive power from the state-designated administrator at the local level to regional and department councils, and financially compensated such transfers through local taxes and a decentralisation grant (OECD, 2006; OECD, 2007; OECD, 2017c). In 2003-2004, Act 2 of decentralisation strengthened regions and recognised them in the Constitution as local autonomous bodies with financial autonomy (the compensation principle was introduced in the constitution) and transferred to regions new competences (i.e. vocational training) (OECD, 2006; OECD, 2007; OECD, 2017c). Through the MAPTAM law in 2014, Act 3 of decentralisation, responsibilities of each government level were clarified and the competences of métropoles (which only apply to large urban areas) strengthened. The 2015 NOTRE law transferred competences to regions and inter-municipalities at the expense of departments (Verpeaux, 2015).

Allocation of competences in France relevant for migrant integration

National level

Ministry of Interior: The DGEF oversees migration matters, defines national policy

Prefectures: first registration and deliverance of identity cards for foreign residents, oversee asylum seekers’ accommodation system which is managed by partner associations, oversee asylum procedure

OFII: In charge of recently arrived regular foreign population; CIR contract and language learning courses, manage, reception of asylum seekers (manages the DNA, redirect asylum seekers to temporary accommodation, allocates the ADA)

OFPRA: administers right to asylum in France

Ministry of Territorial Cohesion. Defines national policies in urban planning and housing

CGET: City policy

DIHAL: Housing for reinstalled and geographically mobile migrants

Ministry of Education: Defines national policy (including Priority Education) and finances school content

Ministry of Employment: Defines national policy on integration of the unemployed into the labour market

Region level: Competences on economic development, secondary education logistics (i.e. infrastructure, building and maintaining high schools), vocational training, transport

Métropole du Grand Paris: Urban Policy

Department: Social policy and welfare allowances (RSA allocation, protection of children) and Education (i.e. infrastructure, building and maintaining first half of secondary schools

Municipality: Education (infrastructure, building and maintaining of kindergartens and primary schools), Housing and urban planning (i.e. apply national regulations for affordable and social housing), Social action and health support (CASVP), language courses through the municipality and support to associations, public space

Non-governmental organisations: Partner with the prefectures for PADA register and management of shelter for asylum seekers; Language courses; social action, food aid and maraudes; legal advice.

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