Annex A4.1. Expert ratings of computer capabilities to answer PIAAC literacy questions

The following tables can be found on line at the following link:

Table A4.1

Expert ratings of computer capabilities to answer literacy questions, averaged with Maybe=50%, by level of PIAAC question difficulty

Table A4.2

Expert ratings of computer capabilities to answer PIAAC literacy questions, averaged with alternative coding of Maybe ratings, by level of question difficulty

Table A4.3

Expert ratings of computer capabilities to answer PIAAC literacy questions, comparing average using Maybe=50% and 3-expert minimum, by level of question difficulty

Table A4.4

Expert ratings of computer capabilities to answer PIAAC literacy questions, by expert

Table A4.5

Comparison of computer literacy ratings with adults of different proficiency, using average rating with Maybe=50%, by level of PIAAC question difficulty

Table A4.6

Comparison of computer literacy ratings with adults of different proficiency, using a 3-expert minimum, by level of PIAAC question difficulty

Table A4.7

Expert ratings of computer capabilities to answer PIAAC literacy questions, comparing the average using all questions to the average using only questions showing high agreement, by level of question difficulty

Table A4.8

Comparison of computer literacy ratings for 2016 and 2026, by level of PIAAC question difficulty