OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers
The OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) leads OECD research on the contribution of science, technology and industry to well-being and economic growth. STI Working Papers cover a broad range of topics including definition and measurement of science and technology indicators, global value chains, and research on policies to promote innovation. These technical or analytical working papers are prepared by staff or outside consultants to share early insights and elicit feedback.
- ISSN: 18151965 (online)
- https://doi.org/10.1787/18151965
The Changing Nature of Manufacturing in OECD Economies
This paper provides empirical evidence on the changing nature of manufacturing in OECD countries,
including the continued loss of employment in the manufacturing. It examines the extent to which
manufacturing output and employment are declining in OECD countries and explores possible causes,
including increased productivity, slow growth in demand for manufacturing products, loss of markets to
imports, statistical and classification issues, and so on. The paper finds that the share of manufacturing in
OECD economies is declining and argues that this is likely to continue. It also presents...
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