OECD Patent Statistics Manual
This 2009 edition of the OECD Patent Statistics Manual takes stock of the recent developments in the field. It provides guiding principles for the use of patent data in the context of S&T measurement, and recommendations for the compilation and interpretation of patent indicators in this context. It aims to show what patent statistics can and cannot be used for, and how to count patents in order to maximise information on S&T activities while minimising statistical noise and biases. Finally, it describes how patent data can be used in the analysis of a wide array of topics related to technical change and patenting activity including industry-science linkages, patenting strategies by companies, internationalisation of research, and indicators on the value of patents.
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The Use and Analysis of Citations in Patents
The use of patent and non-patent citations as indicators of innovation has increased dramatically in the last decade. As citations indicate the S&T precedents in inventions, they make it possible to track knowledge. It is possible to identify the influence of particular inventions or particular sets of inventions and map their diffusion through the economy. In particular, the number of citations a patent receives has been found to reflect, on average, the technological and commercial importance of a patent, and thus helps to deal with the problem of the heterogeneity of patents’ value.
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