Measuring the Digital Transformation

A Roadmap for the Future

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Measuring the Digital Transformation: A Roadmap for the Future provides new insights into the state of the digital transformation by mapping indicators across a range of areas – from education and innovation, to trade and economic and social outcomes – against current digital policy issues, as presented in Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives. In so doing, it identifies gaps in the current measurement framework, assesses progress made towards filling these gaps and sets-out a forward-looking measurement roadmap. The goal is to expand the evidence base, as a means to lay the ground for more robust policies for growth and well-being in the digital era.

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Measures affecting trade in goods

The digital transformation has led to significant reductions in the costs of engaging in international trade, changing both how and what is traded (Lopez-Gonzalez and Jouanjean, 2017). Along with the rise of digitally enabled or delivered services trade, digitalisation is also driving increased trade in physical goods. However, measuring trade in digitally enabled, digitally ordered, and potentially, with the emergence of 3D printing, digitally delivered goods, is challenging. Page 9.6 outlines related efforts in this regard.



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