ICT value added is the difference between the Information and Communication Technology sector gross output and intermediate consumption. The aggregate of information industries here includes ISIC rev. 4 Division 26 (Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products) and Section J (Information and communication), which in turn consists of Divisions 58-60 (Publishing and broadcasting industries), 61 (Telecommunications) and 62-63 (Computer programming, and Information service activities). Hence information industries here encompass ICT industries (Divisions 26, 61 and 62-63, plus group 58.2, software publishing), with the exception of Trade and repair activities, as well as Media and content industries (included in Divisions 58-60 and in the Group 63.9). This indicator is measured in percentage of value added.
ICT investment is defined as the acquisition of equipment and computer software that is used in production for more than one year. ICT has three components: information technology equipment (computers and related hardware); communications equipment; and software. Software includes acquisition of pre-packaged software, customised software and software developed in-house. This indicator is measured as a percentage of total non-residential gross fixed capital formation.
ICT goods exports is based on the World Customs Organisation's Harmonised System (HS) which defines ICT products (including ICT goods). ICT goods must either be intended to fulfill the function of information processing and communication by electronic means, including transmission and display, or use electronic processing to detect, measure and/or record physical phenomena, or to control a physical process. This indicator is measured in million USD.
Information and communication technology (ICT)
Information and communication technology (ICT) refers to both different types of communications networks and the technologies used in them. The ICT sector combines manufacturing and services industries whose products primarily fulfil or enable the function of information processing and communication by electronic means, including transmission and display. The ICT sector contributes to technological progress, output and productivity growth. Its impact can be examined in several ways: directly, through its contribution to output, employment or productivity growth, or indirectly, as a source of technological change affecting other parts of the economy, for instance.
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