OECD Digital Economy Papers

The OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) undertakes a wide range of activities to better understand how information and communication technologies (ICTs) contribute to sustainable economic growth and social well-being. The OECD Digital Economy Papers series covers a broad range of ICT-related issues and makes selected studies available to a wider readership. They include policy reports, which are officially declassified by an OECD Committee, and occasional working papers, which are meant to share early knowledge.

English, French

Current approaches to terrorist and violent extremist content among the global top 50 online content-sharing services

This report provides an overview of the policies and procedures for addressing terrorist and violent extremist content (TVEC) across the global top 50 online content sharing services, with a focus on transparency. It finds that only five of the 50 services issue transparency reports specifically about TVEC, and these five services take different approaches in their reports. These services use different definitions of terrorism and violent extremism, report different types of information, use different measurement and estimation methods, and issue reports with varying frequency and on different timetables. The low number of reporting companies and the variation in what, when and how they report make it impossible to get a clear and complete cross-industry perspective on the efficacy of companies’ measures to combat TVEC online and how they may affect human rights. This situation could be improved if more companies issued TVEC transparency reports and included more comparable information.

English Also available in: French

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