The Missing Entrepreneurs
Policies for Inclusive Entrepreneurship in Europe
Entrepreneurship development is an important requirement for achieving of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It is also a means to respond to new economic challenges, to create jobs and to fight social and financial exclusion. The impact of the global financial and economic crisis calls for giving entrepreneurship and self-employment a stronger role in economic and social development policies.
This book collects and synthesizes information and data on entrepreneurship activities in Europe, focusing on people that are at the greatest risk of social exclusion. These groups include young people, older people, women, ethnic minorities and migrants, people with disabilities and the unemployed.
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Sweden: Reform of the social insurance system for self-employed workers
Description: The Swedish government recently launched several reforms to the social security system for self-employed workers that took effect on 1 July 2010. The aim is to reduce the risks associated with moving from wage-employment to self-employment and to provide an incentive to enter self-employment.
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