Latest Edition

Structural and Demographic Business Statistics 2006

The OECD Structural and Demographic Business Statistics database (SDBS) provides a wealth of information at a very detailed sectoral level including: turnover, value-added, production, operating surplus, employment, labour costs and investment to name but a few, broken down by sector and business size classes. The two major additions to this publication are the introduction of the size class dimension and the inclusion of data on business demography statistics (business birth, death and survival rates).

This OECD Structural and Demographic Business Statistics publication, 2006 edition, replaces the earlier Structural Statistics for Industry and Services publication and provides only a summary of the information available on the database, which covers more variables and all ISIC Rev. 3 sectors. The full database is available at The ‘reader’s guide’, included in this publication explains how the database can be used and compared with other datasets such as the national accounts.

26 Jul 2006 455 pages English, French 9789264025691 (PDF)

Author(s): OECD