Boosting Social Enterprise Development
Good Practice Compendium
Social enterprises are long-standing agents of inclusive growth and democratisation of the economic and social spheres, and they have proved resilient to economic adversity all the while addressing socio-economic challenges in innovative ways, re-integrating people back to the labour market, and contributing to overall social cohesion. This compendium derives policy lessons for boosting social enterprises from the analysis of 20 initiatives in several EU member-countries, covering a range of policy areas from legal frameworks, finance, market access, and support structures, to education and skills.
Specialisterne & SAP: A partnership for access to markets, multiple countries/ Denmark
Specialisterne and SAP have established a partnership that aims to harness the special skills of people with autism, and provide them with training and work-integration opportunities. To this end, they have implemented the “Autism at Work Programme”. This chapter describes the partnership’s objectives, rationale and key activities, together with the challenges faced in implementing it and the impact it has achieved to date. It concludes with the lessons learnt and the conditions for transferring this practice to another context.
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