OECD Public Governance Policy Papers

These Papers provide insights from OECD work on public governance, which looks at how governments design and implement strategic, evidence-based and innovative policies to respond to diverse and challenges and deliver on government’s commitments to citizens.

English, French

Women in infrastructure

Selected stocktaking of good practices for inclusion of women in infrastructure

Infrastructure can have a major impact on women’s access to resources and agency over their well-being, and thus on women’s empowerment. Infrastructure itself is not gender-neutral: women and men have different needs and use infrastructure differently given their specific social roles, economic status or preferences. Poor infrastructure quality also poses differentiated threats to women’s safety and well-being. Moreover, infrastructure has traditionally been a heavily male-dominated sector, leaving women little or no voice in investment decisions that affect their economic opportunities, day-to-day lives and well-being. Increasing women’s participation in infrastructure policy and decision making is thus crucial.

This report explores the challenges policy makers face when mainstreaming gender into infrastructure and proposes a framework for incorporating gender considerations at each stage of the public investment process. The report also provides guidance on how to involve more women in infrastructure leadership and decision making.


Keywords: gender, infrastructure
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