The Implementation of the Palestinian Code of Conduct
Strengthening Ethics and Contributing to Institution-Building
A set of clear standards of conduct for public officials can provide a critical tool for governments to promote openness, transparency and accountability in the public sector and eventually restore citizens’ trust in government. With a view to strengthening the ethics framework, the Palestinian Authority has undertaken significant progress to implement a Code of Conduct and Ethics for its civil service. This report analyses the underlining factors of an effective Code of Conduct in the overall framework of public governance reform to build open and transparent institutions. The report traces the evolution of the code from the first draft to the adopted document and discusses the final version against OECD recommendations and international good practices. The report provides actionable policy recommendations to operationalise the code towards a stronger governance framework for public sector integrity in the Palestinian Authority. The report points to the code’s strategic role alongside other measures to upgrade the ethics framework and sets an agenda to drive effective implementation in line with international principles of ethics and open government in the Palestinian Authority.
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Ensuring effective implementation of the Palestinian Code of Conduct and Ethics
The operationalisation of the code demands a strategic approach to provide for the necessary administrative capacities, communication and awareness measures, training, monitoring, and incentives and sanctions. This chapter provides tailored recommendations in the above mentioned areas. It calls for institutional leadership to ensure coherence and coordination and steering initial communication efforts towards high-level public officials. Trainings for public officials should be institutionalised rapidly, and mechanisms established to allow public employees to seek counsel. Regular monitoring exercises should assess implementation progress with a system of incentives and sanctions established to raise compliance. For those reporting abuse, adequate protection mechanisms against retaliation must be in place. In the medium term, particular agencies or professions could elaborate distinct codes to address specific risks.
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