The Call for Innovative and Open Government

An Overview of Country Initiatives

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This report presents an overview of country initiatives concerning efficient, effective public services and open and innovative government. It focuses on four core issues:  delivery of public services in times of fiscal consolidation; a more effective and performance-oriented public service; promotion of open and transparent government; and strategies for implementation of a reform agenda.  These issues were discussed at the OECD Public Governance Ministerial Meeting held in Venice, Italy, in November 2010, hosted by the Italian Ministry for Public Administration and Innovation.



At the federal level, the fiscal consolidation has resulted in intensifying existing efforts to improve the efficiency of the administration. In Flanders, as a result of the New Public Management movement, the Flemish government launched a reform in 1999 for “Better Administrative Policy” (BAP or “Beter Bestuurlijk Beleid” – BBB). This project aimed at re-organising the core of the civil service – the Ministry of the Flemish Community – the agencies or “Flemish public institutions” and the advisory councils.


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