Strategies for Business, Government and Civil Society to Fight Corruption in Asia and the Pacific
The conference, organized by the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia and the Pacific in late November 2008, explored (i) possible drivers and incentives for anti-corruption reform; (ii) the role of criminal law standards and corporate compliance mechanisms; (iii) the risks and countermeasures against private-to-private corruption; (iv) preventing and managing conflicts of interest; (v) international initiatives to counter bribery; (vi) how development partners can become involved in the fight against bribery and corruption. This book presents the proceedings of the conference.
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Combating corruption in business transactions — a priority for governments,
Corruption increases the cost of doing business. In addition to its social costs, it has an adverse impact on a country’s business and investment climate. The need to fight corruption is universally acknowledged, and many governments have put comprehensive legal systems in place to do so. However, enforcement remains inadequate, with some notable exceptions. This could soon change, as governments in Asia and the Pacific increasingly understand the importance of fighting corruption to foster economic prosperity.
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