Second Public Procurement Review of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS)
Reshaping Strategies for Better Healthcare
This review highlights achievements of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, IMSS) in a number of areas – human resources, technological capacities and relations with suppliers – which were previously identified by the OECD as pivotal for the successful reform of IMSS procurement operations. This report highlights the progress made and offers recommendations to support IMSS in achieving procurement excellence and fulfilling its mandate to provide the best possible, most cost-effective healthcare services to citizens.
Also available in: Spanish
Relying on comprehensive information to inform public procurement decisions at IMSS
Fully exploiting comprehensive information from different sources will help IMSS to develop tailored strategies aiming at enhancing its procurement outcomes while delivering cost-effective services to its beneficiaries. Given the potential offered by the digitalisation of procurement processes, this chapter explores how IMSS could further leverage on existing IT tools to enhance the overall efficiency of its procurement system. Furthermore, this chapter analyses how procurement intelligence could support IMSS in delivering on its strategies. Last, this chapter discusses how IMSS could further evidence the added-value and impact of its procurement strategies.
Also available in: Spanish
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