8 results
Mark | Date Date | Title Title | |||
03 Feb 1998 |
Wage Determination in the Public Sector
Traditionally, pay analysis in the public sector has been based on cross section data, such as average or median wages. This study differs in that micro longitudinal data are used to explain and compare pay determination in the French and Italian... |
19 Jan 1998 |
Contracting Out Government Services
This report presents the OECD Best Practice Guidelines for Contracting Out Government Services and accompanying case studies. |
07 Jan 1998 |
Putting Markets to Work
Provides practical insights into difficult design, implementation, and management issues related to marketable permits. |
09 Sept 1997 |
Co-operative Approaches to Regulation
Contains case studies on different strategies of public/private co-operation from Canada, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States. |
16 Oct 1996 |
Putting Citizens First
The Public Management Occasional Papers are specialised reports prepared for the work of the OECD's Public Management Committee. This publication focuses on the reform strategies used in Portugal. The success or failure of reforms depends largely on ... |
06 Sept 1996 |
Pay Reform in the Public Service
This report assesses the impact of pay reforms on pay dispersion in the public service. To do so, it draws on recent experiences in Australia, Sweden and the United Kingdom. |
19 Oct 1994 |
Senior Civil Service Pay
This study offers is a limited "snapshot" of basic pre-tax pay for senior civil servants. |
01 Jul 1994 |
Public Service Pay Determination and Pay Systems in OECD Countries
This report maps the current state of public service pay determination and pay systems in OECD countries, and explores the different paths of reform that are being followed in different countries. |