Performance of the Prosecution Services in Latvia

A Comparative Study

image of Performance of the Prosecution Services in Latvia

Latvia has embarked on an ambitious agenda to tackle the challenges posed by complex types of criminality to public prosecution services, with particular emphasis on economic and financial crimes. This report carries out a benchmark analysis of Latvia’s prosecution practices along with those in ten OECD member countries, international good practices and the experience of globally renowned prosecution experts. It takes stock of the good practices implemented in the prosecution to date, and examines the importance of a broad range of policy aspects that can drive better performance. These include strategic management tools, the use of data and strengthening co-operation across the whole of the justice chain. Finally, it formulates policy recommendations to support Latvia in strengthening the performance of its prosecution services.


Assessment and recommendations

This section outlines the policy recommendations resulting from the OECD analysis that can contribute to ongoing efforts in Latvia to strengthen the criminal prosecution system. They are designed to support the Latvian Prosecution in leveraging the experience of OECD benchmarking countries and international prosecution standards to achieve its strategic objectives.


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