OECD Study on the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Observatory
Strengthening the Implementation of International Standards
The effective control of animal diseases and zoonoses requires co-ordinated policy action among countries. The World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), an intergovernmental organisation, offers a comprehensive framework increasing transparency on animal disease status, strengthening national veterinary services, and facilitating safe international trade of live animals and animal products. To achieve these objectives, OIE Members adopt a number of voluntary normative instruments, commonly referred to as OIE’s international standards. While the OIE works to support its Members in implementation, Members continue to face challenges in the use of these standards. This OECD study provides a diagnostic of the current state of play of OIE standards and of the data collection mechanisms that are (or may be) used to gather information on how they are implemented domestically. Based on this diagnostic, the OECD provides recommendations to support the OIE in establishing an Observatory to enhance the use and effectiveness of its standards.
Summary of the results from Questionnaire Technical Item 1, 86th General Session of World Assembly of Delegates: Implementation of OIE Standards by OIE Member countries
Generally speaking, OIE countries indicate a systematic consideration of international standards. Ninety nine per cent of respondents (144 countries) indicated that international standards are considered when developing sanitary requirements in their domestic legislation. (Only one country indicated it does not consider international standards). However, this consideration is not necessarily a legal or policy requirement. Only 57 countries responded it was a legal requirement, while 87 indicated that international standards were applied by policy but not specified in the legislation (Kahn, 2018[1]). In the absence of legal requirements to adopt international standards, their consideration is not necessarily systematic.
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