OECD Reviews of Regulatory Reform: France 2004
Charting a Clearer Way Forward
This comprehensive review of France's regulatory policies and institutions provides a detailed overview of how regulation has evolved in France along with an expert assessment of its performance. Specific issues including regulatory governance, competition policy, and market openness along with two specific sectors - civil aviation and telecommunications are addressed in separate chapters. Each chapter presents a list of policy options for consideration. The performance and appraisal chapter compares France with other OECD countries and an appendix shows in tabular form how regulation is evolving in France on a sector-by-sector basis.
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In 1970 France had a subscriber line penetration rate of eight lines per 100 inhabitants, the fourth lowest in the OECD. In 1974, the government gave high priority to the development of telecommunication infrastructure, and by 1980 the penetration rate had increased to nearly 30 lines per 100 inhabitants. By 1985 France had the eighth highest penetration rate in the OECD area. Because of France’s relatively late start in expanding its...
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