Integrity in the Peruvian Regions
Implementing the Integrity System
Promoting integrity in subnational government can be a challenge, but it is crucial. Indeed, it is often at this level where trust in government is forged, and where actions to promote integrity have the greatest impact. This report looks at efforts in Peru to introduce an integrity function at regional government level. It analyses how regions are implementing this function and proposes concrete recommendations for improvement. The report also looks at how to improve the impact of Regional Anticorruption Commissions and how national actors, in particular the Peruvian Secretary of Public Integrity, can provide support to the integrity function and system at the regional level.
Also available in: Spanish
This Chapter provides an introduction to the report. It highlights Peru's key political and geographical characteristics and calls for the need to strengthen the integrity policies of the Regional Governments, aiming at building coherent integrity sub-systems aligned with the national integrity system.
Also available in: Spanish
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