OECD Working Papers on Public Governance
Selected studies on public governance policy prepared for use within the OECD. These papers address such issues as pensions, ageing, management, pay and decentralistion in the public sector.
- ISSN: 19934351 (online)
- https://doi.org/10.1787/19934351
Indicators of Regulatory Management Systems
This report presents detailed results on the quality of regulatory management systems, following the
survey conducted in 2005-6. The goal of this report is to compare regulatory quality assurance systems; to
measure progress and understand trends over time across countries, and to identify general patterns of
regulatory management practice. Following initial discussions over the survey instrument in 2005, they
survey was circulated in June 2005 and the results, corresponding to 2005, were then collected with final
submissions received in Spring 2006. This paper has been revised following comments received from
delegates in the Autumn 2006 and Spring 2007.
The current set of results also links to previous regulatory governance indicators collected by the
OECD in 1998 and 2000. Some of the early phase issues in terms of checks and a correction of the
understanding of the concepts led to a revision of previous 1998 estimates. Therefore, this report is based
on the corrected results for 1998 and 2000 received from the countries that had been surveyed then.
These results also feed into the OECD Project on “Management in Government” (OECD (2007),
“Towards Better Measurement of government”, OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, 2007/2,
OECD Publishing. Doi:110.1787/301575636734).
This paper restricts itself to a descriptive presentation of the materials collected. Further
methodological work will be undertaken as this project evolves to conduct more technical statistical
analysis and build aggregated indicators.
This work benefited from insights and comments from OECD colleagues. The authors are particularly
grateful to Rolf Alter, Josef Konvitz, Glen Hepburn and Nick Manning for their comments, as well as to
Peter Ladegaard who participated in some of the initial work. The authors are also indebted to Sander
Wagner for statistical assistance.
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