Building Trust to Reinforce Democracy

Main Findings from the 2021 OECD Survey on Drivers of Trust in Public Institutions

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What drives trust in government? This report presents the main findings of the first OECD cross-national survey on trust in government and public institutions, representing over 50 000 responses across 22 OECD countries. The survey measures government performance across five drivers of trust – reliability, responsiveness, integrity, openness, and fairness – and provides insights for future policy reforms. This investigation marks an important initiative by OECD countries to measure and better understand what drives people’s trust in public institutions – a crucial part of reinforcing democracy.

English Also available in: French

Higher confidence that a government agency would adopt innovative ideas is associated with higher trust in civil servants

Share of respondents who report they trust the civil service, sorted by their perception that a government agency would or would not adopt an innovative idea, 2021


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