Government at a Glance 2009
Government at a Glance is a new, biennial publication of the OECD providing over 30 indicators describing government performance. It compares the political and institutional frameworks of government across OECD countries, as well as government revenues, expenditures and employment. It also includes indicators describing government policies and practices in integrity, e-government and open government, and introduces several composite indexes summarising key aspects of public management practices in human resource management, budgeting and regulatory management. For each figure, the book provides a dynamic link (StatLink) which directs the user to a web page where the corresponding data are available in Excel® format.
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The current financial, economic, social and environmental challenges place governments at centre stage. Having responded successfully to the unprecedented financial crisis of 2008, governments are now striving to exit from their exceptional interventions and to return economies to self-sustained growth. Meanwhile, they are also looking for policy solutions to climate change, poverty, ageing populations, migration and a host of other long-term concerns. Designing and implementing these policies draws on the capacity of governments to serve the public interest and to strengthen frameworks for well-functioning markets.
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