Governance as an SDG Accelerator
Country Experiences and Tools
Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is a formidable governance challenge for countries at all levels of development. It requires governments to co-ordinate, consult and work across policy areas – as well as with the businesses sector and civil society – in an unprecedented way. This report provides evidence from OECD countries and partner economies on how public governance practices can be strengthened to help implement the SDGs. It looks at whole-of-government co-ordination, policy coherence and integrity, stakeholder engagement and open government, and the strategic use of budgeting, procurement and regulatory tools. It discusses robust monitoring and evaluation systems for ensuring that public policies and resource allocations for SDG implementation result in meaningful outcomes. It also explores how governance frameworks to support equal access to justice and gender equality can help catalyse implementation across the entire 2030 Agenda.
Case studies on whole-of-government coordination and policy coherence
In the Czech Republic, the Agenda 2030 is coordinated by the Sustainable Development Unit in the Ministry of the Environment and continuously consulted at the Government Council on Sustainable Development (GCSD). The Council is chaired by the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of the Environment and made up of representatives of ministries, Parliament, the private sector, trade unions, academia, civil society and regions and municipalities, and is divided into thematic committees. The work of the Council is supported by its Secretariat, which is currently based in the Sustainable Development Unit.
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