Good Governance for Critical Infrastructure Resilience

image of Good Governance for Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Critical infrastructures are the backbone of modern, interconnected economies. The disruption of key systems and essential services - such as telecommunications, energy or water supply, transportation or finance - can cause substantial economic damage. This report looks at how to boost critical infrastructure resilience in a dynamic risk landscape, and discusses policy options and governance models to promote up-front resilience investments. Based on an international survey, the report analyses the progressive shift of critical infrastructure policies from asset protection to system resilience. The findings are reflected in a proposed Policy Toolkit for the Governance of Critical Infrastructure Resilience, which can guide governments in taking a more coherent, preventive approach to protecting and sustaining essential services.


Executive Summary

Critical infrastructures are the backbone of our modern and interconnected economies. The disruption of crucial systems and essential services, such as telecommunications, energy or water supply, transportation or financial systems, can result in substantial economic damage. These systems are highly exposed and vulnerable to a variety of shock events, ranging from climate and geological hazards to industrial accidents, terrorist or cyber-attacks, which can trigger cascading negative impacts locally and even globally.


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