Focus on Citizens
Public Engagement for Better Policy and Services
Complex policy issues cannot be solved by government alone. Delivering high-quality public services at the least cost and achieving shared public policy goals requires innovative approaches and greater involvement of citizens. This book is a valuable source of information on government performance in fostering open and inclusive policy making in 25 countries. It offers rich insights into current practice through 14 in-depth country case studies and 18 opinion pieces from leading civil society and government practitioners. It includes 10 guiding principles to support open and inclusive policy making and service delivery in practice.
“Including more people, earlier and more creatively, in public policy issues is vital not just to secure legitimacy for policy decisions, but also to unlock a mass of creativity and commitment. Innovation is increasingly going to become an open, social and networked activity. That is true in politics and policy as much as in business. This timely, thoughtful book will help make open innovation in public policy a practical reality.”
-Charles Leadbeater, author We-think: Mass innovation not mass production
“We cannot engage the public only on issues of service delivery, but need also to seek their views, energy and resources when shaping public policy. To do otherwise is to create a false distinction between design and delivery, when in the citizens’ eyes it is all connected.”
-Irma Pavliniè Krebs, Minister of Public Administration, the Republic of Slovenia
“Focus on Citizens shines a light on the practical difficulties and significant benefits of open and inclusive policy making – not only for OECD member country governments but equally for non-member countries.”
-Bart W. Édes, Head, NGO and Civil Society Center, Asian Development Bank
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Standardised Surveys on Voter Behaviour, Switzerland
After each popular vote at federal level (with three to four votes held each year on 10 to 12 proposals), a standardised survey has been conducted since 1977 with a representative sample of voters on their interests, motivation, and competence on matters relating to voting and on politics in general. To make the surveys comparable, the variables have been standardised (about 430 variables). The cost of the surveys amounts to about EUR 120 000 per year. The time spent by government officials to administer the mandate is negligible. The results of the surveys are made available to the media.
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