Driving Performance at Peru's Telecommunications Regulator

image of Driving Performance at Peru's Telecommunications Regulator

As “market referees”, regulators contribute to the delivery of essential public utilities. Their organisational culture, behaviour and governance are important factors in how regulators, and the sectors they oversee, perform. This report uses the OECD Performance Assessment Framework for Economic Regulators (PAFER) to assess both the internal and external governance of Peru's Supervisory Agency for Private Investment in Telecommunications (OSIPTEL). The review acknowledges OSIPTEL's achievements and good practices, analyses the key drivers of its performance, and proposes an integrated reform package to help the regulator prepare for the future.

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Assessment and recommendations

Since its creation in 1994, OSIPTEL has enjoyed a stable mandate over a dynamic and rapidly evolving market as economic regulator for the telecommunications sector, and is commended by stakeholders as a technically competent body. It was created alongside three other economic regulators in the 1990s to oversee Peru’s transition to a liberalised economy and provide long-term stability over key economic sectors. Over 20 years, the telecommunications sector and market has evolved into a diverse and competitive market, which has benefitted the country’s citizens and businesses. As part of this evolution, the functions of the regulator have increased as new have been roles and responsibilities added by the executive and legislature and the range of communications services, and methods for delivering them, have continued to grow. The regulator enjoys a strong internal culture and commitment to delivering on its mandate.

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