Driving Performance at Peru's Energy and Mining Regulator
As “market referees”, regulators contribute to the delivery of essential public utilities. Their organisational culture, behaviour and governance are important factors in how regulators, and the sectors they oversee, perform. The report uses the OECD Performance Assessment Framework for Economic Regulators to assess both the internal and external governance of Peru's Energy and Mining Regulator (Osinergmin). The review discusses Osinergmin's achievements and good practices, analyses the key drivers of its performance, and proposes an integrated reform package to help the regulator prepare for the future.
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Executive summary
Osinergmin (Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería) was created in 1997 as Peru’s safety and economic regulator for energy and mining infrastructure. The regulator has gained a strong reputation as an autonomous and technically competent regulator over the last 20 years, overseeing sectors of strategic importance to Peru in terms of economic development, investment attraction and export performance. A key challenge for Osinergmin is to build on its technical competency and autonomy and strive for greater institutional maturity in a complex governance system.
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