Digital Government in Chile

Strengthening the Institutional and Governance Framework

image of Digital Government in Chile

This review analyses the governance and institutional framework of digital government in Chile. It is based on the OECD Recommendation on Digital Government Strategies. It first benchmarks the institutional arrangements of ten advanced countries in the field of digital government, assessing their strategies, digital government units or bodies and policy levers, as well as the co-ordination mechanisms in place. The review then provides an in-depth look at the institutional set-up of digital government in Chile. The assessment reveals that the governance of digital government in Chile would benefit from a stronger legal basis, providing the unit leading the work on digital government with a better grounding and the necessary levers to drive the digital transformation of government and public services. Based on this analysis, the OECD advances two alternative recommendations to strengthen the institutional framework of digital government to foster public sector productivity, enhance efficiencies and improve service delivery. The strengths and weaknesses of the alternatives discussed in detail. The review includes a roadmap for the implementation of both alternatives.



Foreword and acknowledgements

Digital government can be pivotal in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of policy design and implementation. However, sound governance frameworks and adequate institutional arrangements are required to reap the full benefits of digital technologies, promote systemic change and make the government digital by design. As the use of digital technologies becomes mainstreamed in all policy areas, effective implementation requires the participation of a variety of actors. This entails strong leadership; alignment between planning, policy formulation and implementation; as well as desirable levels of continuity and coherence in the digital government agenda. Therefore, the institutional set-up in charge of digital government should be able to count on a clear mandate and be supported by the necessary governance framework providing powers, institutional mechanisms, policy levers and resources, to be able to lead the definition of a vision, steer and co-ordinate actions in line with the strategic objectives, and hold the various actors accountable for results. These conditions can facilitate the integration of digital government in broader public sector reform agendas and synergies with other cross-cutting policy areas, such as public sector innovation, open government and administrative simplification.


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