Comparing Administrative Burdens across Countries

image of Comparing Administrative Burdens across Countries

Cutting red tape to improve business conditions has become a priority in OECD countries. This pilot study measures and compares administrative burdens in the transport sector across eleven member countries: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and Turkey. The aim of the exercise is twofold: to identify good practices and provide input for national simplification strategies, and to develop and test a method for cross-country comparison. This report is published in English only. However, a French translation of the executive summary has been included in this volume.

English Also available in: Spanish

OECD Red Tape Assessment, Objectives and Organisation

The following is an academic paper prepared by Professor Werner Jann on the organisation and objectives of the Red Tape Assessment project. The paper looks at the difficulties of drawing comparisons among data collected from different jurisdictions, with distinct information obligations, regulatory requirements, populations and wage levels. The paper points out a number of the valuable lessons from organising the project despite methodological difficulties, which would be useful to maximise the policy value from future studies of this kind.


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