Citizens’ Voice in Jordan
The Role of Public Communication and Media for a More Open Government
Public communication is an essential part of government policy and an important contributor to transparency, integrity, accountability and stakeholder participation. This Citizens’ Voice in Jordan Report provides an analysis of internal and external communications processes, examining progress achieved to date and remaining challenges. It provides recommendations for the Government of Jordan for making a strategic use of public communication and strengthening the media ecosystem in the interest of promoting a more open government.
Public communication is an important tool of government policy and contributor to the open government principles of transparency, integrity, accountability and stakeholder participation. By developing the capacities, processes, and procedures for robust internal and external communication, governments can ensure that information flows both from and within entities in a transparent manner to inform other constituencies of key policy priorities. Likewise, a well-functioning media and information-enabling environment can ensure that information flows in an optimal manner, that major policy issues are publically debated, and that the implementation of government policies is properly monitored and evaluated.
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