OECD Regulatory Policy Working Papers

This series gathers together OECD working papers on the tools, governance and institutions of better regulation and their impact on policy outcomes. It includes both technical and analytical material, prepared by staff and experts in the field. Together, the papers provide valuable context and background for OECD publications on regulatory policy and governance.


Behavioural insight and regulatory governance

Opportunities and challenges

Governments are created and run by humans, who can experience the same behavioural biases and barriers as individuals in society. Therefore, it makes sense to explore how behavioural insights (BI) can be applied to the governance of regulatory policy making, and not just to the design of regulations themselves. Applying BI can help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the decision-making process, which can, in turn, help improve regulatory decisions. This paper maps the ways in which barriers and biases can affect the institutions, processes and tools of regulatory governance, with a focus on regulatory oversight bodies and regulatory management tools. It concludes with practical ways governments can translate these findings into research and reforms that can help future-proof regulatory policy making and ensure it is agile, responsive and fit for tackling important and complex policy challenges.


Keywords: Regulatory policy, Behavioural economics, Behavioural insights, Regulatory governance, Regulation
JEL: H11: Public Economics / Structure and Scope of Government / Structure, Scope, and Performance of Government; Z18: Other Special Topics / Cultural Economics; Economic Sociology; Economic Anthropology / Cultural Economics: Public Policy; F00: International Economics / General / International Economics: General; E03: Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics / General / Behavioral Macroeconomics; K23: Law and Economics / Regulation and Business Law / Regulated Industries and Administrative Law; A1: General Economics and Teaching / General Economics; N40: Economic History / Government, War, Law, International Relations, and Regulation / Economic History: Government, War, Law, International Relations, and Regulation: General, International, or Comparative; D7: Microeconomics / Analysis of Collective Decision-Making
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