Perspectives on Global Development 2017
International Migration in a Shifting World
Perspectives on Global Development 2017 presents an overview of the shifting of economic activity to developing countries and examines whether this shift has led to an increase in international migration towards developing countries. The report focuses on the latest data on migration between 1995 and 2015, and uses a new three-way categorisation of countries. It describes the recent evolution of migration overall as well as by groups of countries according to their growth performance.It analyses what drives these trends and also studies the special case of refugees. It examines the impact on migration of migration policies as well as various sectoral policies in developing countries of origin as well as of destination, and studies the impact of migration on these countries. The report also develops four illustrative future scenarios of migration in 2030 and recommends policies that can help improve the benefits of migration for origin and destination countries, as well as for migrants. Better data, more research and evidence-based policy action are needed to prepare for expected increases in the number of migrants from developing countries. More needs to be done to avoid situations that lead to refugee spikes as well as to foster sustainable development.
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Recent trends in international migration
Centre de Développement de l’OCDE
International migration is receiving greater attention. This chapter provides a short overview of migration over the last 200 years to provide some context. It then describes the trends between 1995 and 2015 using data from the UNDESA released in 2016 and the new three-way classification of countries developed in this report. It highlights the main countries of origin and destination as well as the main migration corridors. It shows the impact of the 2008/09 economic crisis on migration flows. It highlights how country location and other specificities have a strong effect on the broad relationship between emigration rates and increasing GDP per capita in developing countries. Finally, it details the changes in the demographic and educational characteristics of migrants between 2000 and 2010, the last year for which such detailed information is available.
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